6 Tips for Radiant Skin

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Today, one of the biggest challenges is to achieve smooth, luminous and radiant skin. To do this, we bring you a series of tips and advice that will help you take care of your skin on a daily basis. Pay attention and get healthy and radiant skin!

1. Drink enough water every day.

It seems obvious, but not everyone drinks the liter and a half/two liters that are recommended to keep our body and skin hydrated.

2. Avoid tobacco and alcohol.

These are not only bad for what we already know as the lungs and liver, but there is a long list of negative effects. Among them are that it weakens the scalp, the shine of the hair and the elasticity of the skin. Alcohol affects the loss of vitamins A and C, which reduces the collagen in the skin.

3. Improve our diet.

Maintaining a varied diet will make our skin thank us, since by reducing fat to a certain extent, it will make our skin also reduce its excess.

4. Practice exercise.

Practicing physical exercise regularly and in a moderate way will help the tone and elasticity of our skin. One of the recommendations made by a large number of dermatologists is the practice of yoga.

5. Hours of sleep needed.

Sleeping the recommended 7-8 hours, in addition to contributing to improving our mood and our physical health, will help regenerate the skin, since this process is accelerated when we remain asleep.

6. Beware of stress.

It is important to understand that a high level of stress accelerates skin aging. You can try to reduce stress in areas of the face with a massager, which in addition to providing relaxation, will help improve the elasticity of your skin.

Depending on your skin type and the care it requires, you can try different products.

On cosmolive We have all kinds of creams and serums to keep your skin vibrant and full of shine.

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